

Below you will find a collection of our favorite video tools to help clients understand and apply the central concepts of the approaches you will find on the Morita School website. The tools are organized in a way we have found helpful for intervention planning. In truth, the categories are are arbitrary. Most of these tools can be used to illustrate a variety of concepts depending on how they are used.  We are constantly discovering, developing, and testing new tools. The tools you find here are those our clients responded to. If you have suggestions about tools you would like to see here, we would love to hear from you. 

The tool is not the therapy. The only measure of true progress is your client's ability to develop a life of meaning and purpose, accepting the challenges that are a natural part of that kind of life. These tools are only useful to the degree that they help to serve that purpose. 

Unworkability of Control Efforts

(Creative Hopelessness) 

4:02 VIDEO: 3 HAPPINESS MYTHS: Brief animation narrated by Russ Harris discusses the normality of painful emotions

2:29 BEACH BALL METAPHOR: Uses the experience of holding beach balls underwater as a metaphor for the functional impact of trying to control thoughts and feelings.

2:42 MENTAL CHESS METAPHOR: Uses metaphor of getting wrapped up in a game to illustrate the impact of cognitive control efforts .

7:16 THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS: Series of thought experiments to illustrate the automatic habitual nature of cognitive processes, the paradoxical effect of trying to eliminate thoughts, and the functional cost of strategies like distraction.


Acceptance (Coexisting with Unpleasant Feelings)

3:36 VIDEO: EXPERIENTIAL AVOIDANCE: A wonderful and concise illustration of experiential avoidance, willingness, and psychological flexibility. 

3:02 VIDEO: STRUGGLE SWITCH: A nice illustrated metaphor exploring the difference between struggle and acceptance of thoughts and feelings.

6:40 VIDEO: THE ART OF KINTSUGI: Psychotherapists describe the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery and valuing brokenness. This can be paired with Kintsugi Cards exercise in the PDF section of this website.


4:21 VIDEO: HOW TO DETACH FROM FEAR: A straight forward description of a visualization exercise to promote defusion from distressing thoughts and feelings, like fear, by presenting them to a wise and compassionate committee. The approach includes features of mindfulness, self-as-context, and defusion.

4:55 VIDEO: OUR COMMON FATE: Multiple examples of entanglement with unhelpful self-evaluative thoughts. 

2:42 VIDEO: DEFUSION: Concise power point video walking viewer through "I'm having the thought" exercise. 

4:19 VIDEO: SONG: Unworthy: These lyrics are a great example of the tyranny of thoughts.

6:53 VIDEO: SONG: Not Perfect: Lovely illustration of how thoughts define relationships to self and other. 

3:40 VIDEO: SONG: Dear Abby: These lyrics are a great example of the tyranny of thoughts and the solution of being what we are rather than striving to be what we are not.

2:02 VIDEO: SUSHI TRAIN METAPHOR: Metaphor for stepping back from thoughts and mindfully observing as they come and go.


3:24 VIDEO: 5 MYTHS ABOUT MINDFULNESS: Quick overview of common assumptions about mindfulness that are incorrect.

10:16 VIDEO: MIND WANDERING AND HAPPINESS: TED talk presenting research about the effect of mind wandering on happiness.

2:43 VIDEO: MINDFULNESS IS A SUPERPOWER: Animation illustrating the usefulness of mindfulness in regulating mood and expanding choice in the context of everyday events. 

3:43 VIDEO: HACK BRAIN'S DEFAULT MODE: Dan Harris give a quick overview of the compelling science related to mindfulness. 

4:10 VIDEO: MINDFULNESS MISCONCEPTIONS: Dan Harris addresses 3 popular misconceptions about mindfulness. 

2:00 VIDEO: MINDFULNESS 101: A beginners introduction to the basics of how to practice mindfulness. 

3:50 VIDEO: MIND THE BUMP: Brief overview of brain functions impacted by mindfulness practice and how these related to stress and resilience. 

2:21 VIDEO: HOW MINDFULNESS EMPOWERS US: Illustrated story of "feeding the 2 wolves in our heart", and the importance of what we pay attention to. 

2:47 VIDEO: THE FLY: Nice metaphor illustrating how acceptance can transform perception and emotional response. 

2:58 VIDEO: YOUTH VOICES: Young adults discuss their experience of practicing mindfulness and its application to wellness and modern life. 

 9:21 VIDEO: 10 MINDFUL MINUTES: Engaging TED talk about the benefits of practicing mindfulness meditation.

2:34 VIDEO: PRESENT MOMENT AWARENESS: Concise power point video gives example of using your senses to tune-in to the present moment.

9:23 VIDEO: CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF MEDITATION: A clear description of the application of meditation (especially mindfulness) to address issues like depression, anxiety, and addiction. 

14:13 VIDEO: NAIKAN: A brief description and guided meditation experience of daily Naikan practice.

25:22 VIDEO: SEATED YOGA: A gentle chair yoga routine created by the Chronic Pain Service at the Toronto Rehab University Health Network.

13:00 VIDEO: MEDITATION AND EMOTIONAL REGULATION: A nice description of applying mindfulness practice to regulating emotion.

15:44 VIDEO: EMOTION REGULATION & LOVING KINDNESS: Guided meditation to cultivate mindful awareness of sensations to expand distress tolerance, ending with loving kindness practice to enhance well-being, intimacy, and security. 

15:26 VIDEO: TONGLEN - COMPASSION TRAINING: Orientation to suffering as an outcome of self-focused attention and guided meditation practice to cultivate compassion. 

2:43 VIDEO: ORIGIN OF COMPASSION: Brief illustrated story about the relationship between attention and compassion and the practice of loving-kindness.

13:00 VIDEO: COMPASSION AND ANGER: Russel Kolts talks about compassion focused therapy and his work with anger. 

Attention Skills

9:59 VIDEO: FOCUS ON WHAT IS GOING RIGHT: Alison Ledgerwood discusses research related to the tendency to get stuck in negative thoughts.

8:33 ROMANTICIZE YOUR LIFE: Exploring the process of noticing and enhancing the specialness of mundane daily activity.

4:43 VIDEO: THE GRATITUDE EXPERIMENT: Brief Review of Robert Emmons research related to gratitude and concrete exercises to enhance gratitude. 

9:22 VIDEO: THIS IS WATER: Illustrated excerpt of a David Foster Wallace graduation address exploring the relationship between self-centered attention and suffering, as well as the capacity for and importance of choosing something other than our default perception.  

7:50 VIDEO: CONSCIOUS LISTENING:  TED talk about the importance of mindful listening. Includes exercises to improve this skill.

8:41 VIDEO: I AM THE ENEMY: Reflections about the problem of self-focused attention and the importance of outward focused attention.

8:47 VIDEO: MISDIRECTING ATTENTION: Incredible illustration of the power and problem of misdirected attention. Very useful illustration of how inward directed attention undermines awareness. Memorable and fun to watch.

Perspective Taking

8:08 VIDEO: CHESSBOARD METAPHOR: A demonstration of a classic ACT "Self As Context" metaphor

1:54 VIDEO: ZEN STORY - MAYBE: Alan Watts tells a classic zen story. 

13:37 VIDEO: GOOD AND BAD ARE INCOMPLETE STORIES: Heather Lanier TED talk applies the Zen proverb "Maybe" to exploration of disability as diversity

15:03 VIDEO: WHY PEOPLE BELIEVE THEY CAN’T DRAW: Graham Shaw TED talk helps people draw simple cartoons and illustrates the impact of self-limiting beliefs

3:39 VIDEO: THE DOT: KID FRIENDLY - Video story telling of Peter H Reynolds book, The Dot. Nice illustration of the way our story about ourselves can limit our actions. 

6:44 VIDEO: THE LAST KNIT: Illustration of attachment to an activity as an identify, persistence despite negative consequences, and letting go.

1:45 VIDEO: OBSERVING SELF: Concise power point video uses sky &  passing clouds metaphor to illustrate the observing self. 

5:30 VIDEO: WHAT IS THAT?: Illustration of how a perspective shift can elicit compassion and love rather than frustration. 

4:18 VIDEO: THE PRESENT: A short film illustrating relationship between judgement and perspective.

 9:35 VIDEO: WHEELCHAIR SCUBA: Inspiring challenge to the stigma of "disability", Great way to open a conversation about the limitations of living according to personal and social assumptions and how to think outside of that box. 


3:05 VIDEO: PICKLE JAR: Nice introduction to the idea of prioritizing values. Helpful in a conversation about focusing on the "important" rather than the "urgent". 

5:16 VIDEO: SMALL PLEASURES: Subtitled short illustrating the importance of noticing the sensory pleasures that surround us. Nice for exploring what is available to us rather than what we are limited from experiencing at any moment. 

4:16 VIDEO: GOPHER BROKE: KID FRIENDLY - Funny short animation illustrating the frustration and interpersonal consequences of goal directed striving. 

3:56 VIDEO: ORMIE WANTS A COOKIE: KID FRIENDLY - Funny short animation about the frustration related to goal directed striving. Good setup to discuss the alternative of moving towards goals but with more of a values focus. 

3:41 VIDEO: VALUES vs GOALS: Russ Harris narrates a short animation illustrating the difference between a goal focused life and a values directed life as it relates to suffering and fulfillment. 

3:05 VIDEO: COMPASSION: Advertisement for Thai Insurance illustrates the value of kind actions. Nice way to start a conversation about the nature of value-directed actions and how this differs from goal-directed actions. 

2:20 VIDEO:THE DOG: Advertisement for Thai business. Many people respect and want a dog like this in their life. However, not everyone is certain they want to be a dog like this. Helpful for exploring values we might choose, even if the reward is not that great. 

8:26 VIDEO: TRANSCENDING DISABILITY: Emaunal on X-Factor (British Singing Competition) illustrates the power of committed value-based actions in overcoming a disability. 

0:30 VIDEO: VALUE OF FAILURE: Michael Jordan’s talks about how failure has been a part of his success. 

7:30 VIDEO: TRANSCENDING SELF-ESTEEM: Clip from Britain’s got talent. Judges are initially very judgmental of an overweight contestant. Outtakes feature him talking about poor self-esteem and performance anxiety.

12:45 VIDEO: PHILOSOPHY FOR A HAPPY LIFE: 17 year old Sam Berns, living with Progeria, shares his philosophy for living a happy life (with or without a chronic illness). 


Committed Actions

7:22 VIDEO: BUILD A TOWER: Effectiveness of planning verses doing and the benefit of making mistakes. 

6:14 VIDEO: PIGEON IMPOSSIBLE: Animation that can be used to illustrate the usefulness of taking value directed actions in the face of challenging circumstances. The pigeon can also be uses to explore the impact of taking urge based actions despite the negative impact they have on the broader context. 

3:42 VIDEO: JOY & GRATITUDE: Brene Brown discusses the relationship between joy and the active practice of gratitude. 

7:57 VIDEO: BACKWARDS BRAIN BICYCLE: Interesting illustration of the dominance of past experience, the difference between knowing and performance, and the role of doing to move from knowing to understanding. 

6:46 VIDEO: INTENTIONAL ACTIONS: Colleen McCulla talks about power of taking 1 intentional action a day in the direction of a value without judgment. 

1:41 VIDEO: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE NAIL: Humorous illustration of the limitations of verbal and cognitive strategies in addressing issues that require action based solutions.

3:12 VIDEO: DON'T LET THE PIGEON DRIVE THE BUS: KID FRIENDLY - Animated adaptation of a book by Mo Willems featuring a pigeon pleading to drive the bus after you have been told to not let him. Nice way to explore how your thoughts and feelings often don't take no for an answer. 

Integration of all Concepts

4:21 VIDEO: UNWANTED PARTY GUEST: Cartoon metaphor illustrating concepts of acceptance and value based actions as well as the counter-productive nature of avoidance. Great way to illustrate the big picture or get a discussion going.

3:28 VIDEO: INTERNAL HIJACKERS: One of our favorite versions of the “Monsters on the Bus” metaphor that is often used by ACT therapists. This is very clear and includes many helpful components(struggle switch, values compass, making room for unpleasant feelings) that can be expanded on. 

13:01 VIDEO: MATRIX REMIX: A reorganization of the classic ACT Matrix, including some revised terms and ways the matrix can be used to enhance acceptance and defusion.

10:33 VIDEO: THE ACT MATRIX: A tutorial introducing and walking you through use of a frequently used ACT tool.

16:49 VIDEO: SUSAN DAVID: EMOTIONAL AGILITY: TED talk exploration of the need to cultivate emotional agility, touching on all aspects of the ACT Hexaflex. 

19:30 VIDEO: SUPER BETTER: Jane McGonigal talks about her experience recovering from a head injury and suicidal depression by turning her challenge into a game. Nice metaphors and concrete examples of actions that can lead to greater resilience. 

5:44 VIDEO: ACT, NAIKAN, & MORITA THERAPY: Example of how one psychologist moves between these three related approaches to address an emotionally charged relationship with his father. 

19:40 VIDEO: STEVEN HAYES - LOVE TURNS PAIN INTO PURPOSE: A personal story of developing anxiety and transforming his relationship with it.